The other links in the left-hand column are to different features within the program. Lastly, the VanderCook database contains resources I saved from my Masters program. Self-Determination Theory, as a database, contains resources I saved specific to that theoretical framework-a potential future area of research in which I am interested. Music contains specific music education resources. Maker-Centered Music is everything I've collectd in relation to my desired dissertation project. The Education database contains journal articles and other resources I've saved specifically related to education.

Boston University are all of the saved documents from my coursework at BU. The left-hand column primarily shows my different databases ( Open Databases). DEVONthink wraps a database structure around the files and adds excellent search, optical character recognition (OCR), annotation, sync, and more features. In a recent podcast, David Sparks and Stephen Hackett referred to DEVONthink as a file manager like the Finder for macOS or Explorer for Windows. Both feature desktop and mobile versions and both wrap their interfaces around default files-primarily PDFs and Markdown files in DEVONthink and Obsidian, respectively. I finally landed on two applications: DEVONthink and Obsidian. While some of my colleagues had used EndNote, I found it far too cumbersome. I frequently used the mobile app to read, highlight, and annotate on my iPad. The final nail in the coffin was their March 2011 announcement that they would be retiring their mobile app. During my doctoral program at Boston University, I began noticing issues in Mendeley with syncing between devices. I found it odd to use in my workflow, so I switched to Mendeley at my wife's suggestion. In my masters program at VanderCook, the professors recommended we used Zotero to curate our scholarly work. You should check up permission of Alfred controlling DEVONthink in System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy → Automation if the workflow doesn't work.I have written a few times about the different research applications I have been using ( Note Taking Applications, Qualitative Research Methods: Weeks 4–5), but things have changed yet again. Automation permission in macOS MojaveĪlfred will ask for Automation permission to control DEVONthink when you run the workflow for the first time. You can set environment variable filterOutGroup to yes if you want to filter out group and tag. You should separate multiple UUIDs with comma(,).įilterOutGroup: filter out group and tag in searching result Fill in workflow configuration with UUIDs.You can ignore some databases by setting ignoredDbUuidList environment variable in Alfred workflow. Drag & Drop file in the result list to wherever you want.Ĭonfiguration ignoredDbUuidList: ignore databasesĭnt and dnm search in all opened databases.Press ⌘Command + C to copy DEVONthink link (x-devonthink-item://xxxx) of the selected file.Press Shift or ⌘Command + Y to QuickLook the selected file.The keys are set in Features → File Search → Actions of Alfred Preferences. Press ⇧Shift + Enter to copy item's markdown link.Press ⌥Option + Enter to reveal result in DEVONthink.Press ⌘Command + Enter to open with DEVONthink.Press Enter to open the selected file with external editor.

Type dnw to list all workspaces, press Enter to load the selected workspace.For example, Tag aBcD can't be inputed as aBc or abcd to list all documents which have these tags in all database. Press ⌥Option + Enter to list smart groups in the chosen database.Press ⌘Command + Enter to list all tags in the database, then choose a tag and press Enter to list all documents which have the tag.Press Enter, then type in keywords to search in the chosen database.Type dnd to choose which datebase to search.Press ⌘Command + Enter to search in a new window.Press Enter to search in existing window.Type dnts + keywords to search in DEVONthink window.Search results are sorted by relevance score, consistent with DEVONthink. Type dnt + keywords to search in all opened databases in Alfred.Switch to Branch DEVONthink 2.x to access the README document and source code. NB: For DEVONthink 2.x, you should use the versions of this workflow before V7.0. DEVONthink Search Powerful tool for seaching in DEVONthink 3